Win a SMX London two-day pass!

Posted by Saby Salvatierra on 4 Apr, 2014
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This year's Search Marketing Expo - SMX London (13th - 14th May 2014) will be held at Chelsea Football Club. Ajit Sivadasan, Vice President of Lenovo and General Manager of, will be delivering the Keynote address and Danny Sullivan will be sharing his wisdom too - he doesn’t come to London often so SMX is the only place where you’ll see him speak.

As SMX blog partners we're super excited to be able offer you the chance to win the ultimate prize - your article featured on the Wordtracker blog and a two-day SMX Wordtracker team pass (worth £890). The top 2 runners up will also have articles featured on our blog.

Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity, brush shoulders with some of the major players in Search Marketing and Digital industry and attend in style with the Wordtracker team.

How can you enter?

  1. Follow us on Twitter
  2. Tweet us the title of your blog post with the hashtag #WTSMX
  3. Send us your best blog post to

It can be anything SEO, Technology, Social, Marketing, PR related, as long as you’re passionate about the subject!

The competition will close midnight (GMT) Thursday 8th May. 

Good luck!

Want to secure a ticket instead? Register here for 15% off using the code "WORDTRACKER14"

Obligatory small print: You can enter more than once. Judges decision is final. No cash equivalent. Entries close midnight (GMT) Thursday 8th May. Entrants will be subscribed to the Wordtracker newsletter. If the quality of entries are deemed insufficient, we can decide not to award any prize. We will not provide feedback for the articles not chosen. If you are unable or unwilling to attend SMX, the ticket may be awarded to the runner up. The winner is solely responsible for any transportation or accommodation costs. We are not liable for any damage, loss or disappointment suffered by you for taking part. No data will be sold or passed on to third parties. By entering this competition you agree we can use your article for our marketing, without additional payment or permission. Any questions, drop us a line.

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