Stuff we like 31 October 2013

Posted by Saby Salvatierra on 30 Oct, 2013
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Wordtracker's weekly round-up of news, trends and stories we've enjoyed. This week we are looking at the US Search Awards, PubCon and online Halloween themed treats.

Last week's PubCon buzz was partly fuelled by the first US Search Awards. The new award ceremony recognizes and rewards organizations, agencies and individuals in the search and digital marketing industry with 22 different awards (US only.) Congratulations to big winners - Geary LSF for their brand website consolidation, organic traffic increase and conversions for B2B telecom leaders MegaPath.

Continuing with PubCon, Matt Cutts took to the stand to announce that Google will be making a 15% reduction in the amount of rich snippets and authorship displayed in the search results - with the reason behind the decision to improve overall quality.

If you didn't get the chance to go to The Search Love Conference, which was held in London early this week, you can catch up on the details over at Slideshare. We especially enjoyed Kevin Newman's graph theory.

In evolutionary media news, JJ Abrams of Cloverfield/Star Trek fame has published a strange new book, and it looks pretty interesting. “S” is a metadata experiment in literature, somewhat like an augmented reality experiment. You get a worn, scuffed book entitled “Ship of Theseus, ” by a mystery author, who has disappeared. In the margins are hundreds of scribbled countless notes and letters, in different colors and hands. But what’s the real story? Bad Robot released this eerie video trailer back in August, “S” was released this week.

Happy Halloween! If you’re celebrating, then you may be needing something to get you in the mood and a bit scared for your evening ahead. Start your night off by downloading the true ghost stories from around the world app - It’s the perfect evening starter to get your skin crawling!

You may have seen that we shared a spooky dead page on Twitter - definitely one of the best 404 pages we have seen! Wordtracker’s Owen Powis spotted the brilliant page by Business Casual Copywriting. If you haven't already, have a play - fill out the form and watch the apocalypse begin with a scary story based on your responses.

See you all next week.

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