Stuff we like 26 November 2013

Posted by Saby Salvatierra on 26 Nov, 2013
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Check out this week's "Stuff we like." it's filled with news, trends and the apps we have been enjoying here at the Wordtracker office.

It’s Thanksgiving week and time to get into the vacation spirit. We all love a good app, so we thank for the top 10 to get you through a successful Thanksgiving holiday. The“Chow Thanksgiving Dinner Coach app” is a keeper, especially for those who aren’t the best cooks. The standout factor for me is you can pick the dishes you want to cook and then there you go, a shopping list is created, with details on how to prep the meal - a complete holiday time saver.

If you’re not on vacation and in London this week, on Wednesday 25th, you can find the Wordtracker team at the Digital Marketing show, at ExCel London. Come visit us at our stall, where we are showcasing the range of Wordtracker products, including the new API, the Keyword Tool and the Scout app. What’s the Digital Marketing show? Well, it’s a three day conference that aims to help professional marketers to understand how the digital world can help deliver solutions.

Pop in at 12.45pm and hear Wordtracker’s founder and CEO Mike Mindel talk on the subject “Thinking outside the search box.” We hope to see you there!

In Search news, revealed their top questions and search terms of 2013. on their blog last Thursday. With the results under different categories, it appeared baby names dominated the results. The predictable “What’s the royal baby’s name?” topping search terms and questions, and my ultimate favorite “Why is Kim and Kanye’s baby name North West” topping the celebrity and entertainment search terms. Who knew we were so baby crazy?

If you’re already thinking about Christmas gift shopping, take a quick look at the spruced up Google Shopping. New features have been added this week, you can now find some “holiday shortlists” where you can save images and notes that can then be shared via Google+. Also see the latest 360° view option, although a limited one for now.

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