Stuff we like 20 September 2013

Posted by Saby Salvatierra on 20 Sep, 2013
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Wordtracker's weekly round-up of the stuff we've been liking this week.

Does a Google+ account really help your website's ranking? A study by Stone Temple Consulting announced a surprising discovery that "Google Plus Shares did not drive any material rankings changes that we could detect." The controversy rages on.

Unfortunately, I was unable to make Brighton SEO, but I did manage to catch the buzz on Twitter and enjoy the highlights and takeaways via MintTwist’s write up. Congratulations to Brighton SEO for pulling off a brilliant event and selling out in the record time of 20 minutes!

If you live in the US or Canada, and have an old iPad only "gently used," Microsoft will now let you trade it in for one of their Surface tablets and throw in a $200 gift certificate. I wonder if that's connected to the low sales figures for the Surface devices?

Orèe’s wireless power pebble. caught my attention, it also reminded me of those home pebble air fresheners. Not sure on the smell, but it can charge any smartphone or table and it’s modern, sleek appearance can be found in maple or walnut!

Bing are introducing their new look, adding a stylish ‘b’ symbol and making a switch to Microsoft's Segoe font in their new logo. It’s definitely working a strong connection with the Microsoft brand now - will the visual link help Bing out?

Did you know that bitly can see how many people have clicked or shared your link? If not, take a look at the Mashable’s article on the 7 things you didn’t know about bitly.

We’ve previously mentioned our love for Evernote, but now I can say I’m a massive fan of Skitch! their tagline is ‘more ways than ever to clearly communicate your ideas’ - it’s exactly that! An easy way to edit, crop and express ideas! Since Mal introduced it to me, it’s used and loved on a daily basis in the office!

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