Stuff we like - 5th September 2013

Posted by Saby Salvatierra on 4 Sep, 2013
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Read the roundup of stuff we like in the Wordtracker office - news, blogs, apps, resources - find out what we like on the Internet.

This week let’s take our memories back to when Nokia was the phone to have... On Tuesday it was announced that Microsoft would be buying Nokia for £4.6bn after failing to compete with Samsung and Apple - And we all thought Nokia would last forever! Will they be able to team up and become ultimate smartphone contenders?

Continuing with our phone theme, we were amused and a little peckish to hear that Google had named the latest version of its Android mobile operating system after the KitKat chocolate bar. A giant Android figure made from KitKats has now joined the rest of the confectionary gang outside Google’s California headquarters - now that’s a sight to see!

This week I stumbled across an article on Mugi Yamamoto’s latest creation - Stack. If you're a fan of modern and fresh looking office machinery, then check out the genius compact printer that swallows a stack of paper.

On more of a 80’s note - Have you ever thought about teaching your kids about coding? Well, soon you’ll be able to - CEO of Google Comparison Dan Shapiro has designed board game 'Robot Turtles’ to pass on the superpower knowledge of core coding principles. Now that would be a good game to play with the family!

To end this post, Google celebrated their 15th birthday on Wednesday - happy birthday! We enjoyed reading Tom Meltzer’s '15 things you didn't know' over at the Guardian. Who knew that founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin own just 16% of the company, but have a net worth of $46bn!

See you all next week!

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