Stuff we like 13 February 2014

Posted by Saby Salvatierra on 12 Feb, 2014
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Welcome back to our weekly round-up. This week we explore grammatically incorrect comments, a cool new plug-in, our app of the week and we wish you a happy Valentine's day social media style!

Quality comments

A quick Webmaster video from Matt Cutts this week. The topic of discussion was about whether comments on websites or WordPress blogs that are not grammatically correct can hurt rankings. Matt answered with:

I wouldn't worry about the grammar in your comments. As long as the grammar on your own page is fine ... there are people on the Internet and they write things and it doesn't always make sense. You can see nonsense comments on YouTube and other large properties and that doesn't mean that YouTube video will be able to rank.

So, overall bad grammar in comments won’t negatively affect your rankings - just make sure that your content is somewhat grammatically correct, and gives users what they are searching for.

User Generated Posts

Plugin-Planet, which allows you to quickly and easily add a raft of functionality to your Wordpress install. With fully customisable forms you can register new users and allow them to upload posts and images directly to your blog.

USP Pro gives you fine-grained control to build the perfect forms for your site. Easily create submission forms, registration forms, contact forms, forums, and everything in between.

It’s a great solution for powering user generated content on your site and with both a free and paid version available it’s well worth a try.

Mood streamer app

Do you have a playlist you listen to when driving? We all have music we like to listen to during certain parts of our days or occasions, and for that reason my app of the week goes out to music and mood streamer Songza. Pick your mood, location and let this cool app stream the perfect music for you. Here’s a user review

The diversity of playlists, great. Quality of the music, great. Unlike other apps I've downloaded, it doesn't randomly buffer or stop working. If you "thumbs down" a lot of songs, it gives you new recommendations for playlists based off of what you've given a "thumbs up" and/or what you haven't declined. Very current music choices.

Give the app a go, and let us know what you’ve been listening to whilst working out.

Social media Valentines day

Finally, it’s Valentine’s day this Friday and Mashable have put together this cool 6 social media valentines for the one you ‘like’ post. If you’re a Pinterest addict then number 1 will be right up your street. And if you miss the days when you used to flick through photo albums, why not check out your “See friendship” and go for number 3 by making your facebook photo album a real one. Have a great Valentine’s day!

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