Google ranking factors from concrete to complete myth

Posted by Rebecca Appleton on 15 Sep, 2015
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If you're struggling to determine where your SEO efforts should be focused, a new post promises to bring some clarity with a comprehensive rundown of more than 260 ranking factors.


When it comes to finding out what is and isn’t included in Google’s ever-changing list of ranking factors for organic search, there is no shortage of sources. Filtering out the myths and misdirection is almost a full time job in itself. Staying current requires a similar level of commitment.

While the major algorithm changes such as Panda and Penguin make headlines, the reality is that Google makes dozens of smaller changes and decisions every week regarding what is and isn’t important to its understanding of what a page of content is about, and how relevant that content is to the Google user.

SEO pro, Corey Northcutt has just published a post which rounds up 261 ranking factors. These include solid, 100% confirmed ranking factors and likely ranking factors along with probable and maybe considerations. The list includes a ton of filters so you can block out or include areas of interest – on-page, off-page, content and code are just a few of the options. Then there’s positive and negative, patterns, authority and relevance – the list goes on.

The filters are coupled with a handy slider, so you can sort information from myth to concrete and view relevant factors accordingly. Even if you don’t filter the content, each section contains a host of tips, current thinking and best-practice advice. The information has been collated from a range of sources with the intro to the post stating that the only reliable sources of information are;

  1. Patent filings
  2. Direct statements from Google and/or their team
  3. Applying The Scientific Method

All the metrics presented have been sourced as such, making this one of the best definitive guides of the year so far.

See the full post here:

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