Stuff we like 21 March 2014

Posted by Saby Salvatierra on 21 Mar, 2014
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This week we're looking at the #nomakeupselfie for Cancer Research and Twitter turning 8. Plus Matt Cutts' discusses discontinued eCommerce products and the what grade are you getting in life test.

My favourite story this week has to go out to the #nomakeupselfie for Cancer Research UK. If you haven’t been on your Facebook and Twitter today, then have a look and you’ll find your newsfeed filled of beautiful faces. Women have been texting BEAT to 70099 to donate £3 to Cancer Research, then posting naked face selfies and nominating friends to do the same. This morning it was stated that £2 million had been donated in just 48 hours. Despite some negative views on the "shallow selfie" aspect rather than the charity, I think it's safe to say most of us have had someone close to us or know someone who has been affected by cancer, so it is certainly a great way for people to get involved and easily donate as a community. If you haven't already jump on the bandwagon and donate too.

The latest Google Webmaster YouTube video discussed the question -

“How would Google recommend handling eCommerce products that are no longer available? (Does this change as the amount of discontinued products outnumbers the active products?”.

What should an eCommerce site do when a product is no longer in stock or has been discontinued? Should it:

  • Keep serving a product page for something that's no longer available?

  • Show a 404?

  • Redirect users to a similar product instead?

For a site with just a few pages and products Matt suggests against a 404, he recommends using related products instead. Whereas for an average site with hundreds or thousands of pages he recommends a 404 page, as the product is no longer available. Lastly, for larger sites Matt says

"We do have a meta-tag that you can use called 'unavailable_after', which basically says after such and such a date, this page is no longer relevant, so I'd like Google to not show it in the search results".

Twitter celebrated its eighth birthday yesterday - to mark their special occasion they gave users the opportunity to look back at the first tweets for any user with their new tool. On their blog Twitter said -

"Eight years later, our users have transformed Twitter into place where you can discover new ideas, make real human connections and express yourself freely. Today we’re taking a look at some choice first Tweets — first Tweets that sparked a conversation, used imagery to tell a story, or revealed unfiltered self expression."

Happy Birthday Twitter! Let us know what your first tweet was, too.

BuzzFeed posted "What grade are you getting in life?" this week and It’s definitely an online test you should be taking. You'll be quizzed on how much effort you are putting in your day-to-day life. Questions vary from “What’s your biggest source of stress?” and “What’s the state of your home/apartment right now?” I was quite surprised that I came out with an A- (can't complain). Take the test and let us know how well you’re doing.

See you all next week!

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